KiLLAFORNIA Secure Their First Victory - Week 5 Review

Week 5 of the BESL Pro Season 5 PUBG tournament is over and with just 2 weeks worth of games left, every point becomes much more important to contend for the title. Read further to find out how your favourite teams performed this week and where they stand going into the final 2 weeks.


Game 1 - Erangel

Game time: 11:15

VOD: Here


  1. KiLLAFORNIA (10 kills)

  2. Lietuvos Ateitis (10 kills)

  3. Zapte (2 kills)

  4. Division (2 kills)

  5. Timechasers (0 kills)


KiLLAFORNIA managed to clinch their first victory of the season in the opening game of Week 5 whilst also finishing the game with 10 kills. Second place went to Lietuvos Ateitis with 10 kills, leaving Zapte in third place with 2 kills. Division ended up in fourth place with 2 kills with Timechasers concluding the top 5 with no kills to their name.


Game 2 - Erangel

Game time: 12:00

VOD: Here


  1. PraiseTheLord (3 kills)

  2. Timechasers (18 kills)

  3. EarlyYikes (4 kills)

  4. Lollygag (6 kills)

  5. Team Titan (7 kills)


Second game of the week went the way of PraiseTheLord who finished the game with just 3 kills, 2 of which they got at the final battle. Timechasers ended up second, however, throughout the game they managed to gather 18 kills. Third place was left to EarlyYikes with 4 kills with Lollygag clinching fourth place with 6 kills. The top 5 is rounded out by Team Titan with 7 kills.


Game 3 - Miramar

Game time: 12:45

VOD: Here


  1. EarlyYikes (14 kills)

  2. Division (4 kills)

  3. Lietuvos Ateitis (2 kills)

  4. KiLLAFORNIA (4 kills)

  5. Team G (5 kills)


EarlyYikes came out on top in the third game of the week, finishing the game with 14 kills. Second place went to Division with 4 kills, leaving Lietuvos Ateitis in third place with 2 kills. KiLLAFORNIA secured themselves fourth place with 4 kills, with Team G taking the fifth place with 5 kills. Meanwhile, Bait Academy managed to finish the game with no points.


Game 4 - Miramar

Game time: 13:35

VOD: Here


  1. Lietuvos Ateitis (5 kills)

  2. Timechasers (7 kills)

  3. DP9 (6 kills)

  4. Division (7 kills)

  5. Bait Academy (2 kills)


The fourth game of Week 5 was won by Lietuvos Ateitis with 5 kills. Timechasers clinched second place with 7 kills, however DP9 managed to finish third with 6 kills. Fourth place went to Division with 7 kills and Bait Academy managed to finally finish in the top 5 this week by placing fifth with just 2 kills.


Game 5 - Sanhok

Game time: 14:20

VOD: Here


  1. Bait Academy (9 kills)

  2. kekXD (4 kills)

  3. EarlyYikes (8 kills)

  4. PraiseTheLord (5 kills)

  5. International Kings (3 kills)


In the final game of Week 5, Bait Academy managed to secure their first victory in 2 weeks by finishing the game with 9 kills. kekXD managed to end up second with 4 kills, whilst EarlyYikes were third with 8 kills. Fourth place was claimed by PraiseTheLord with 5 kills, leaving International Kings in fifth with 3 kills.


Overall, Lietuvos Ateitis managed to keep their first place in the standings due to securing themselves one victory and some more high point games. Bait Academy is still ranked second since despite having some awful games in terms of placements, they seem to always get crucial points throughout the games by eliminating other players. Third place is still held by Timechasers after having a very high point count in the second game of the week whilst EarlyYikes have risen to fourth place after securing themselves one victory this week. Division still hold fifth place after a rather uneventful week for them, however, International Kings had a poor showing and have dropped to sixth place in the standings.

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