
BESL Pro Season 5




BESL Pro (hereinafter referred to as “League”) is Tet made esports league with the goal to promote and conduct esports on the Baltic state level and to build a structured platform for esports, its players and teams in Baltic states. Tet is the exclusive owner of worldwide exploitation rights with regards to audio-visual content as well as sponsorship and merchandising rights of the League.


Tet has instructed GOEXANIMO with the organization and operation of the League. GOEXANIMO may delegate its duties to League admins to be determined by GOEXANIMO.


This is the only rulebook which is valid for the League, it’s participants (hereinafter referred to as “Team(s)”), its players (hereinafter referred to as “Players”) and all matches played in the League.




1.1. League Administration


GOEXANIMO shall designate League admins who are responsible for League administration and the process of gaming operations. GOEXANIMO may change any League admins at any time at its own discretion. Each Team can contact League admins via Team discord server or via email. 


The current League admins are:

    • Bruno Gailītis, “Gekons” - CS:GO head admin -

    • Arnolds Batkovskis, “Dragoon112” - CS:GO server admin

    • Raivis Gelsbergs, “Gelzis” - CS:GO server to web integration


1.2. Validity of the Rules


If any provision of the Rulebook is invalid or impracticable in whole or in part this shall not affect the validity of the remaining part of this Rulebook. In lieu of the invalid or impracticable provision, an appropriate provision shall apply which is nearest to the intent of to what would have been the intention in keeping with the meaning and purpose of the Rulebook.


1.3. Confidentiality


The content of protests, discussions or any other correspondence between Teams/Players and the League admins shall be deemed strictly confidential and may only be revealed to GOEXANIMO and its representative bodies. The publication of such material is prohibited without approval from GOEXANIMO.


1.4. Code of Conduct


All Teams and Players agree to behave in a sportsmanlike and respectful manner towards other Teams, Players, spectators, the press, the broadcast team, League admins and Tet officials. 


1.5. Communication


The main official communication method of the League is through Team discord server. League admins will use the discord server as a tool of communication between them and Teams/Players, and therefore this discord server should be checked regularly so that no important announcements and/or information is missed.


1.6. Change of rules


League administration reserves the right to make changes to the Rulebook at any point in time. The said changes come into effect immediately and are considered a part of the official Rulebook as soon as it is published. League admins will inform teams about major changes to the Rulebook via Team discord server.


1.7. Specific cases


In case of a specific topic and/or situation not being disclosed within the Rulebook, League admins reserve the right to examine the said topic/situation and make a decision based on the specifics of the said topic/situation. These topics/situations are dealt with on a case-to-case basis.



2.1. Team Requirements


A Team consists of exactly five (5) players, no more, no less. Three (3) of those players have to be from Baltic state countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania). Other players have no Home country restrictions.


2.2. Home Country


A Player’s home country is based on the Player’s nationality, not the country he resides in. For a Team, this is determined by the country the majority of Players are from. If there is no such majority, a Team may choose to set their Team home country to any of the countries represented by its Players.


2.3. Age Restrictions


There are no age restrictions for Players that are playing in the League. However, Players below the age of 16 have to provide League admins with parental approval of them playing in the League.


2.4. Game Accounts


Only Players with registered game account (Steam) are eligible to play in the League. Players can register their game account in “Profile settings” under the “Game profiles” section. A Player that has not registered his/her game account won’t be able to join the game server.


2.5. Team Ownership


The sole owner of any League slot is the captain. 


During the season, Team’s captain can transfer the ownership of his/her Team to any active roster Player on his/her Team that has played in at least one (1) League game. 


The first day of the first week of swiss group stage marks the start of the season.


During the off-season, Team’s captain can transfer the ownership of his/her Team to any Player that has played at least two (2) League games for the said Team in the previous season. If the new owner is already part of the Team’s active roster, then only the ownership is transferred. However, if the new owner is not part of Team’s active roster, then he/she effectively takes the place of the old owner on Team’s active roster. 


Off-season starts a day after the Team has been eliminated from the competition and ends at the start of a new season. 


Team’s active roster is the roster that Team used for their most recent League game. In case of a substitute player being used at the most recent League game, the Player he/she substituted for counts as part of the active roster. For a Team coming from a qualifier, Team’s active roster is the roster that they played the said qualifier with.


In order to transfer ownership of a Team, Team’s captain has to contact the head admin. 


Additionally, there is also an option to forcibly transfer the ownership of a Team without captain’s consent. In order to do that, the rest of the Team’s active roster (four players) must agree on a new owner and contact the head admin with this decision. Once head admin has received a confirmation of this decision from all four (4) Players, the ownership of the Team is transferred to the new owner. 


The forcible Team ownership transfer function can be used in a set time-window that starts from the moment Team finishes its first League game of the new season until three (3) days before the start of the first qualifier of the upcoming season. This time-window is created in order to protect the original captain from being thrown out of his/her own team before the start of a new season without having time to possibly participate in the qualifiers to once again obtain a slot in the League.


All Team ownership transfers are irreversible.


All of these ownership transfer situations are dealt with on a case-to-case basis with the final decision being made by the head admin.


2.6. Retaining a Slot in the League


Teams that earned at least two (2) victories in the BESL Pro Season 4 swiss group stage (11 teams) have guaranteed themselves a slot in the BESL Pro Season 5 competition.


In order for a Team to retain its slot without any penalties, Team’s starting roster for the upcoming season has to have at least two (2) Players that were part of the Team’s active roster and played at least one (1) game for the said team in the previous season.


If a Team is not able to field the aforementioned two (2) Players, but only one (1), then they will still retain their slot, but a penalty in the form of a one (1) less roster change for the upcoming season is going to be applied.


In a case where Team’s captain has decided to not take part in the upcoming season, but refuses to transfer the ownership of the Team to any of the eligible Players (as stated in paragraph 2.3), or, Team’s captain is unreachable by the head admin, then any roster with at least two (2) Players that were part of the Team’s active roster and played at least one (1) game for the said team in the previous season is eligible to claim the slot. If there is more than one (1) roster that fits this criteria, the slot goes to the roster that contacted League’s head admin first.


If there are no rosters that fit the aforementioned two (2) Player criteria, then any Player that was part of the Team’s active roster and played at least one (1) game for the said team in the previous season is eligible to claim the slot. If there is more than one (1) roster that fits this criteria, the slot goes to the roster that contacted League’s head admin first. For a roster like this, the same penalty in the form of a one (1) less roster change for the upcoming season is going to be applied.


In case of a slot not being retained by a Team, a replacement Team is called upon from the 12th-16th place Team pool from the previous season. These Teams are contacted in the order of their final placing in the previous season.


Discussions with Team captains about their League slots are done by the head admin before the start of each season. Head admin reserves the right to make decisions in regards to slot retention on a case-to-case basis.


2.7. Starting Roster


For Teams that retained a slot for BESL Pro Season 5 by earning at least two (2) victories in the BESL Pro Season 4 swiss group stage (11 teams) the starting roster is the roster that the Team’s captain submits before the start of the season.


For Teams that obtained a slot for BESL Pro Season 5 via one of the qualifiers, the starting roster for the upcoming season is locked on the five (5) Players that played for the said team during the qualifier. 


2.8. Roster Lock


All Team starting rosters are locked for the time period of two (2) weeks from the start of the season until the end of week two of the competition. During this time period, Teams are not allowed to make any roster changes but are only allowed to use substitute players in case one of the Team’s original members is unable to participate in a League game.

At the start of week three, Team rosters are unlocked and Teams are allowed to make roster changes according to paragraph 2.9.


2.9. Transfer Regulations During the Season


Teams are allowed to make two (2) roster changes during the Swiss group stage (according to paragraph 2.8; week 3-5) and one (1) roster change during the playoffs (week 6-7). For these roster changes there are no Player restrictions.


In order to make a roster change Team's captain has to contact the League's head admin with the following information:

  • Team name

  • The player that team wants to remove from their roster

  • The player that team wants to add to their roster


Only the captain has the right to make roster changes to his/her Team. 


Removing one (1) player and adding one (1) player in his/her place constitutes one (1) roster change. 


Once a Team has used all of its roster changes for the given stage of the competition, they can still make an emergency roster change, but for every roster change they make, they are going to be penalized with one (1) major penalty point. Additionally, emergency roster change restricts Teams from bringing in Players from Teams that have been already eliminated from the competition.


2.10. Substitute Players


If one of the Team’s original members is unable to participate in a League game, a substitute player can be used. 


A Player is eligible to be a substitute only if he/she is not currently part of any other League team and completing the roster fits the necessary Team Requirements mentioned in paragraph 2.1. 


In order to use a substitute player Team’s captain has to visit the match page of the said League game and use the “Add substitute player” function on the right side. The button to use this function appears on the match page one (1) hour before the scheduled start time and disappears fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled start time as the game server goes live. After it’s done, the substitute player is going to be able to join the game server. 


All substitute players must be added to the game before the launch of the game server (15 minutes before the scheduled start time). For every substitute player that a Team wants to add after this time, it will be penalized with two (2) minor penalty points.


Note that the substitute player has to register his/her game account in order to get into the server. That can be done in “Profile settings” under the “Game profiles” section.


The usage of “Add substitute player” function is limited to four (4) times per season. However, if there is a need to use the function more than four (4) times during the season, then for every time it is additionally used, the Team is going to receive two (2) minor penalty points.


Pressing the “Add substitute player” button and adding one (1) player to your League game constitutes one (1) use of this function. Using this function to add a Player that has previously played for your Team as a substitute player in a different League game also constitutes one (1) use of this function.


Substitute player usage is limited to a maximum of two (2) times per League game meaning that at least three (3) players from the Team’s original roster must be present at all times. Failure to follow this criteria is going to be penalized with two (2) minor penalty points.


A Team that is using a substitute player is allowed to switch out the said player with the Player that was originally being replaced by the substitute player at any point in time during the series. Accordingly, this player swap can happen in between maps, at the half-time or at the start of a new round during an ongoing half with the game being paused. The Team that is making the player change should inform their opponents about the player swap before or during the change. 


A Player whose Team has been eliminated from the competition can not be used as a substitute player as he/she still counts as part of the league with his/her team despite being out of the competition. A Player like that can only be used if he/she joins the team on a permanent basis via roster change.


2.11. Coaches


Every team participating in the League has the option to add a coach to their active roster. The said coach is then able to also join the game server and coach his/her team by writing command “!coach” in the game chat.


Note that the Coach has to register his/her game account (Steam) in order to be able to join the game server. Coaches can register their game account in “Profile settings” under the “Game profiles” section.


2.12. League fee


Each participating Player has to purchase a season pass that costs 15 EUR. Players can buy the said pass in “Profile settings” under the “Season pass” section.


Only Players with an active season pass are eligible to play in a League game. Playing a League game with a Player that has not purchased a season pass is going to be penalized with one (1) Major penalty point.


Unlike Players, coaches and substitute players don’t have to buy a season pass.


2.13. Multi-team Ownership Policy


In order to avoid conflict of interest, no organization is allowed to own multiple teams participating in the League. The said rule also applies to two (or more) teams playing under a team name that is similar to one another or contains the same core. 


As an example, teams like SkinLordz and SkinLordz.RED, or XGR-eSports and XGR-X can’t coexist in the League.


2.14. Time Zone


The respective times of the matches will be displayed on the League’s website according to the time zone specified on Player’s device. 


2.15. Nicknames


During all the League games, the in-game nicknames of Players are synchronized with the nicknames they have registered in their League player profile.


Players are only allowed to register their own official nicknames (without any additions). No sponsor tags are allowed in the nickname. Furthermore, nicknames are forbidden if they:

    • are protected by third-party rights and the user has no written permission to use it

    • resemble or if they are identical to a brand or trademark, no matter whether it has been registered or not

    • resemble or if they are identical to a real person other than themselves

    • use names of Tet products


In addition to the above, any nicknames that are purely commercial (e.g. product names), defamatory, pejorative, offensive, vulgar, obscene, anti-Semitic, inciting hatred, or offending against good manners are forbidden. Using alternative spelling, gibberish or wrong spelling in order to avoid the requirements mentioned above is forbidden. 


Any breach of this paragraph is going to be penalized. These incidents are treated on a case-to-case basis and the final decision is made by the head admin.

2.16. Changes to Team Profile


Only the captain has the right to make changes to Team’s profile. 


In order for a change to be official, Team’s captain has to inform League admins about any changes that he/she wants to make to their Team profile. Changes include but are not limited to:

    • Changing the Team name

    • Changing the Team logo


Failure to do so will result in the said game played out using Team’s old information (name, logo, etc).


Changes to the Team’s profile can not be made in the time period of 7 days prior to the LAN finals event.

2.17. Restrictions of Participation


Players who have been banned by Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) for less than two (2) years or have standing bans in third-party game services (such as FACEIT and ESEA) linked to their steam account are not allowed to participate in the League.


Additionally, League administration also reserves the right to restrict anyone from playing in the League with the reasons being (but not limited to):

    • Player being linked to previously banned game accounts

    • Suspicions of the Player possibly cheating

    • League’s brand and image being negatively affected by the Player’s reputation


2.18. Team Brand Commercialization


BESL Pro has the right to use participant team names and logos for commercial purposes of their desire. 



3.1. Payment of Prize Money


All prize money shall be paid out no later than 30 days after completion of the League finals. The payments are to be made to one or multiple bank accounts depending on the amount of the prize pool accumulated. 


Failure to provide sufficient information for the prize money payments will result in prize money being forfeited.


3.2. Prize Money Distribution


The Prize money for BESL Pro Season 4 is set at €9,000 and is distributed as follows:


Regular season

Season Finals





















































3.3. Withholding of Prize Money


League reserves the right to withhold any pending payment of prize money if any infringements of the provisions set out in this Rulebook have been discovered.



4.1. Game Scheduling - Regular season


During the regular season Teams have to schedule the games themselves. This is done by Team captains agreeing on a specific date and time when the match is going to take place within that particular play-week. Once the date and time is set, both captains have to message the head admin with that information so that the game can be scheduled. The said game can then be rescheduled if once again both Teams agree on doing it.


If both Teams can’t agree on a specific date and time for the match to be played, then the match is scheduled for Saturday at a time randomly drawn by the head admin. The said time is drawn within the time period of 12:00 and 20:00 Baltic time.


If the game is not played out by the end of Saturday, then both teams receive one (1) major penalty point and a coin-toss is done to determine which Team receives victory in the series.


However, each week there is going to be one (1) featured game series that is going to be played on a previously set date and time as it is to be broadcasted via BESL Pro Latvian stream. The said game series is going to take place on Saturday evening, 16:00 Baltic time (EET). The game series that is going to be featured on this broadcast is going to be chosen on the previous Sunday by casters and head admin. Game series with Latvian Teams in them are going to be prioritized for these broadcasts.


The featured game series can not be rescheduled. If there is a need for a substitute player then Teams can register one according to paragraph 2.10. 


However, if one or both Teams of the featured game series are unavailable to play at the previously specified date and time, head admin may look for a replacement match. These scenarios are treated on a case-to-case basis and the final decision is made by the head admin.


4.2. Match Start / Punctuality


All Teams and Players should be on the server no later than the scheduled start time of the match. All matches of the League should start as stated on the League website. Failure to do so will be penalized.


Match starts are absolute unless changes have been confirmed by the League admins. For every five (5) minutes the match start is being delayed by a Team, the said Team will receive three (3) minor penalty points. 


After fifteen (15) minutes the Team is considered a no-show receiving two (2) major penalty points. At that point, the Team that was ready to start the game in time can claim the forfeit victory by contacting the head admin. 


If both Teams still want to play out the game after fifteen (15) minutes have passed, then they are free to do so and the result of the series is going to be considered as the official result. However, Team that was late is still going to receive penalty points for not starting the match in time.


4.3. Streaming


Players whose League game is not featured on any of the official BESL Pro stream channels are allowed to stream their Point-of-View (POV) on any platform or service of their choice. The only requirement is to put the League’s name (BESL Pro) in the title.

Additionally, we recommend that players who decide to stream their League games set the stream delay to a minimum of 90 seconds in order to protect themselves and their Team from being streamsnipped.


League administration is not responsible if the player decides to ignore the recommended stream delay.


4.4. LAN Finals


In both the semi-finals and the grand final the Team that had the higher seed going into the playoffs shall be considered the “better seed”. The “better seed” Team decides who starts the map-veto/pick process.



5.1. Stages



    • First Stage: Swiss group stage

    • Second Stage: Playoffs

    • Third Stage: LAN Finals


The first day of the first week of swiss group stage marks the start of the season.



  • Qualifiers


The start of the off-season differs for each individual Team. Off-season starts a day after the Team has been eliminated from the competition and ends at the start of a new season. 


5.2. Swiss Group Stage Explained


The first stage of the regular season is a sixteen (16) Team swiss group stage.


The initial round of swiss format consists of sixteen (16) teams being matched up against each other in eight (8) duels. After the initial matches are over, the next round draw takes place, matching teams with the same W-L record against one another. This sequence goes on for 5 rounds of matches until there are 8 teams that proceed to playoffs and 8 teams that are eliminated. 


The rule for advancing or being eliminated is very simple:

    • win 3 games and you’re in the playoffs

    • lose 3 games and you’re eliminated from the competition


During the swiss group stage teams can’t play each other more than once.


5.3. Swiss Group Stage Seeding and Draw


Initially, all sixteen (16) Teams are going to be divided into two (2) pools:

    • Pool 1 consists of Teams that placed 1st-8th in the previous season

    • Pool 2 consists of Teams that placed 9th-11th in the previous season and Teams that obtained their spot in the League via qualifiers


In the first round of matches, Pool 1 Teams are going to be matched up against Pool 2 Teams. In the second round of matches the same principle is applied until it is no longer possible to match Pool 1 Teams against Pool 2. In that case, Teams from the same Pool get matched up against each other.


Starting from the third round of swiss group stage, Teams are seeded using Buchholz system that takes into consideration what level of opponents each Team has played against previously. It determines how hard a Team's route has been thus far by summing up the scores of their opponents. If you want to learn more about the Buchholz system, we recommend you to read this article.


The draw of all the swiss group stage rounds is done by head admin on Saturday evening or early Sunday morning of the previous week. 


5.4. Playoffs Seeding and Draw


After the swiss group stage is over, the competition moves into the next stage - the playoffs.


In order to draw the playoffs bracket, the eight (8) Teams that secured themselves a spot in the playoffs are placed into three (3) pools:

    • Pool 1 is the two (2) Teams that secured playoffs spot with a W-L record of 3-0

    • Pool 2 is the three (3) Teams that secured playoffs spot with a W-L record of 3-1

    • Pool 3 is the three (3) Teams that secured playoffs spot with a W-L record of 3-2


Additionally, each Team’s Buchholz score is taken into account to determine seeds within the pools. Respectively, Pool 1 Teams receive seeds 1 and 2, Pool 2 teams receive seeds 3-5, while Pool 3 teams receive seeds 6-8.


After that, the playoff bracket is drawn using the aforementioned seeds with matching up teams as follows:

    • Seed 1 team faces Seed 8 (upper side of the bracket)

    • Seed 2 team faces Seed 7 (lower side of the bracket)

    • Seed 3 team faces Seed 6 (lower side of the bracket)

    • Seed 4 team faces Seed 5 (upper side of the bracket)


The playoff bracket is drawn by head admin after the conclusion of all the swiss group stage games.


5.5. Relegation


Teams that are eliminated in the swiss group stage with W-L records of 0-3 and 1-3 (5 teams total) are relegated from the League and have to play in the off-season qualifiers in order to once again obtain a slot in the League.


5.6. LAN Finals


The four (4) teams that reach the semi-finals of the playoffs bracket secure a spot in the LAN finals held at HyperTown.


5.7. Off-Season


During the off-season, a set number of qualifiers is held in order to determine the Teams that are going to obtain a slot in the upcoming season of BESL Pro. Qualifier details, such as dates and format, are announced together with the season announcement.



6.1. Definition


A protest is the official communication between Teams and League admins regarding any irregularities, infringements or other concerns in the League. A protest may also be filed during a match for things like incorrect server settings and other related issues.


6.2. Contents of a Match Protest


The protest must contain detailed information about why the protest was filed and when the alleged incident happened. A protest may be declined by League admins if proper documentation is not presented. A simple „they are cheaters“ will not do.


6.3. Deadline for Match Protest


Teams are allowed to issue a match protest in the following time-windows:

  • Online: 24 hours after the scheduled start time of the match

  • Offline: at any point during a match




7.1. Game Server


All BESL Pro CS:GO game servers are hosted by DatHost.


Game server IP address appears on the right side of the matchpage 15 minutes before the scheduled match start time.


7.2 Map Pool


The map pool reflects Valve Active Duty maps which are the following:

  • Mirage

  • Inferno

  • Overpass

  • Dust2

  • Train

  • Nuke

  • Vertigo


Any changes made to the Active Duty map pool by Valve during the Regular season take effect on the next play week meaning the current play week games are played on the map pool that was active at the start of the week.

Any changes made to the Active Duty map pool by Valve during the time period between Regular season and LAN Finals are treated on case-to-case basis with the final decision being made by the head admin.


7.3. Best-of-Three Match Veto


In a Best-of-Three series, both Teams remove one map alternately, after that each Team will pick one map. To decide the last map both Teams once again remove one map alternately and the last map remaining will be used as a third map if needed. 


Each Team can pick their starting side on the opponent’s map pick and on the third map a knife-round is played to decide starting sides.


Veto process is done in the game server. Team that starts the veto process is determined randomly by the game server system.


7.4. Map Veto Process - Finals


For offline matches, map veto process has to be done no later than 30 minutes before the scheduled match start. Map veto process can be done earlier if both teams agree. 


Only two selected people from each team can participate in the map veto process. 


During the map veto process, first statement coming from the team representative towards the admin will count as ban/pick and it cannot be reverted. 


Each team has 30 seconds to make a call on their turn to ban/pick a certain map. When the time expires, head admin reserves the right to ban/pick a map at random in order for the veto process to continue.


7.5. Number of Players


All matches have to be played with five (5) Players per team (5 versus 5), other constellations are not allowed. 


If a technical issue is preventing a Player from joining the game, then the Team with the missing player has to start the game (according to the time frame described in paragraph 4.2) and use the pause function (according to paragraph 7.6) in order to have time to either fix the issue or field a substitute player.


However, the Team with the missing player is still going to be penalized for not being ready to start the game in time according to paragraph 4.2.


7.5. Tactical Pause / Timeout


Each team is allowed to invoke a tactical pause of 30 seconds up to four (4) times per map using the ingame “Call a timeout” function.


7.6. Technical Pause


If a Player has a problem that prevents him/her from playing on, he/she is allowed to use the pause function (“!pause” in the in-game chat). The pause function can be used at any time but it will only come into effect during freeze time (immediately, if used during freeze time, else at the beginning of the next freeze time). The player has to announce the reason before or immediately after he/she paused the match. Pausing the game without a valid reason will lead to penalty points.


Fixing a technical issue may not take up longer than fifteen (15) minutes. After that the game is unpaused. If by the time the game is unpaused Team has less than five (5) players in the server the game is forfeited and it receives one (1) major penalty point.


7.7. Dropping a Player


If a Player drops (disconnects) and the opponent has been notified before any damage has occurred in the round, then the round is restarted and the game is paused. Once the Player gets back into the game server, the game is resumed. 


If a Player drops (disconnects) after any damage has occurred in the round, then the round is played out and only at the start of the next round the game is paused. Once the Player gets back into the game server, the game is resumed.

If a Player drops (disconnects) and has not returned, or cannot be replaced with a substitute player, within the time frame of technical pause (according to paragraph 7.6), then the Team with the missing Player receives forfeit loss in the series and is penalized with one (1) major penalty point. 


7.9. Continuing an Interrupted Game (Backup)


If a match is interrupted (e.g. player disconnect before any damage is taken) then the match should be continued where it was left off, with the use of the backup system. 


In order to backup to the last round, both teams have to write “!stop” in the in-game chat. Once it’s done, the server will automatically revert to the freeze-time of the previous round.


All fully completed rounds before the backup count for the final score of the match.


7.10. Change of Players


Players can be changed at any time but the opposing Team has to be informed sufficiently in advance. If necessary the game can be paused. This change shall not take more than the timeframe of technical pause (according to paragraph 7.6).  After that the game is unpaused. If by the time the game is unpaused Team has less than five (5) players in the server the game is forfeited and it receives one (1) major penalty point.


7.11. Leaving the Server


All matches must be played till the end. A match is considered complete when one Team has reached 16 rounds during the regular match time or won the majority of rounds during overtime. Failure to do so will be penalized with penalty points and may result in a forfeit loss.


7.12. Overtime


In case of a draw after all 30 rounds have been played, an overtime will be played with mp_maxrounds 6 and mp_startmoney 16000. Teams will continue to play overtimes until a winner has been found. The final score of a map with overtime is the official result for that map.


7.13. Communication During Pauses - Finals


During a Pause, headsets have to stay on. Unless the admin instructs the match participant otherwise, any form of communication among the team is only allowed during tactical pause.


7.14. Match Media (POV demos)


Players are required to record their own in-game Point-of-View (POV) demos for all the Regular season games. If a Player disconnects, for whatever reason, he/she must start recording a new POV demo upon reconnecting to the server, with a different demo file name. 


To record a POV demo type “record demoname” in your game console when the match starts. The demo must have all rounds that you have played. 


All match demos must be stored by Players for a minimum of one (1) week after each completion of a match. 


7.15. Player Models (Agents)


In order to maintain competitive integrity within the League, Players are only allowed to use the default player models (agents). Accordingly, the new Player models (agents) introduced in the operation “Shattered Web” update can’t be used as they might give an unfair advantage. 


It is the responsibility of each of the Teams to make sure that their opponents are not using the new player models and if they are - point it out and ask for them to be changed to default ones. 


A Team can only be penalized for use of the new player models if they refuse their opponents’ request to change them to default ones. In other words - if a Team is using the new player models, but their opponents are fine with it, then no penalty is given.


7.16. Player Settings


Furthermore, any use of the below mentioned settings, tools or scripts is considered a violation and will be penalized. 


  • Configuration / Start Parameters

    The following commands are forbidden:

    • mat_hdr_enabled


The following start parameters are forbidden:

  • +mat_hdr_enabled 0/1

  • +mat_hdr_leven 0/1/2


All other configuration changes are allowed as long as they do not give an unfair advantage to a Team. A Player may be penalized for wrong settings in a config file.


  • Forbidden Scripts


In general, all scripts are illegal except for buy, toggle & demo scripts.

  • Stop shoot scripts [Use of AWP scripts]

  • Center view scripts

  • Turn scripts [180° or similar]

  • No recoil scripts

  • Burst fire scripts

  • Rate changers (Lag scripts)

  • FPS scripts

  • Anti flash scripts or binding (snd_* bindings)

  • Bunnyhop scripts

  • Stop sound scripts

If a Team is not sure if a script is allowed or not, then Team shall contact the League admin before it plays an official match.


  • A3D


The use of A3D (2.0) or any program, driver or interface that simulates A3D (2.0) is strictly forbidden and will be sanctioned according to Sec. 8.4 ("Cheating").


  • Graphics drivers or similar tools


Any modification or changing of the game using external graphics solutions or other third party programs is strictly forbidden and will be penalized.


  • Color depth

Every Player must play with the highest color setting in Counter-Strike (32 bit); if the Player is playing in windowed mode, then the desktop must also be on 32 bit setting.


  • Custom Data

Only steam skins are allowed to be changed, any other changes to sprites, skins, scoreboards, crosshairs are strictly forbidden, also only the official models are allowed. If a Player plays with custom files, then this will be penalized with a default loss.


  • Use of Bugs and Glitches


The intentional use of any bugs, glitches, or errors in the game will be penalized. Furthermore, it is up to the League admin's discretion whether or not the use of said bugs has an effect on the match, and whether or not he will award rounds, or the complete match to the opposing Team, or to call for a rematch. In extreme cases, the penalty for abusing bugs may be even higher.

The usage of the following bugs is strictly forbidden and may be sanctioned according to the aforementioned paragraph. If any bug is used which is not listed below it is up to the League admin's discretion whether or not a punishment is necessary.


Warm-up – map check:

Bugs on load have to be checked before the match starts (missing boxes, ladders etc.). Failure to do so and starting the match will lead to both Teams having accepted the state the map is in, and the match will be continued under these settings. Protests and complaints regarding such issues will not be adhered to.


During the match:

  • Moving through any walls, or ceilings is strictly forbidden, also moving through the floor, or anywhere else which was not intended to be a passage is strictly forbidden.


  • „silent planting“ is strictly forbidden (planting the bomb in such a way that no one can hear the beeping).


  • To plant the bomb where it is impossible to reach is forbidden. 


  • Standing on top of teammates is generally allowed, it is only forbidden, when such actions allow the Player to peek over a wall, or ceiling that should not be allowed according to map design.


  • Using flash bugs is strictly forbidden.


  • Throwing grenades under walls is forbidden, although throwing grenades and flashes over walls is allowed.


  • „Pixel walking“ is forbidden (sitting or standing on invisible edges on the map).



Generally, the use of any bugs in the game is strictly forbidden (for example: spawn bugs).

An exception are the following bugs which are explicitly allowed:

  • Defusing the bomb through walls and items etc.

  • So called “surfing”


The League admin reserves the right to add more bugs to the list of explicitly allowed bugs.


  • New Positions


If any Player or Team wants to use a new position which is unknown to anyone else or just known to a small part of the League, it is strongly recommended to contact the League admin to check if that position is allowed before using it in an official match. Players and Teams have to consider that it takes time to check new positions and therefore they have to contact the League admin in a reasonable timeframe before an official match.




8.1. General


  • Violation of any infringement of the provisions and rules outlined in the Rulebook will be penalized. 


  • Penalties may be either minor or major penalty points, default losses, player/team disqualification or banishment from the League in whole, all dependent on the incident in question. Every case is investigated and decided upon separately.


  • Sanctions shall be determined by the head admin at their sole discretion to the best of their knowledge and judgment in an appropriate, proportionate and adequate manner. 


  • The head admin shall impose the sanction according to the nature of the infringement, the individual culpability, profits generated through the violation, the severity level of the violation, the number of previous violations and Team's and/or Player's subsequent behavior.


  • The head admin may increase the sanction as deemed appropriate if an infringement has been repeated.


8.2. Penalty Points


  • Minor penalty points are given for minor incidents. Every minor penalty point deducts one percent (1%) of the overall prize money received by the team in the competition it is given.


  • Major penalty points are given for major incidents. Every major penalty point deducts five percent (5%) of the overall prize money for that competition.


  • League bans and penalty points gathered in any other GOEXANIMO tournaments do not apply towards the League except when the punishment has been awarded for cheating.


8.3. Breach of Etiquette


For an orderly and pleasant game, it is essential that all Teams and Players have a sporting and fair attitude. Breaches of this rule will be penalized. The most important and most common offenses are listed below.


  • Insults

    All insults occurring in connection with the League will be penalized. This primarily applies to insults during a match or via discord. Particularly severe abuse cases with radical statements or the threat of physical violence can result in significantly heavier penalties. Depending on the nature and severity of the insult the penalty will be either assigned to the Team or to the Player.


  • Spamming in Discord

    The excessive posting of senseless, harassing or offensive messages in League discord server is regarded as spamming and will be penalized.


  • Spamming In-game

    If the chat function in-game is abused towards the goal of annoying the opponent, or generally stir the flow of the play the Player and/or Team in question is going to be penalized. All chat functions are there to communicate efficiently with the opponent and the League admins.


  • Betting

    It is forbidden for Players of the League to place bets on the games they are participating in. Violation of this rule is going to result in nullification of the game result and disqualification of the Team.

8.4. Misconduct


The attempt to mislead League admins or other Players, using false information, or in any other way deceive other Players or Teams will be sanctioned as follows.


  • Faking Match media

    Faking match media (POV demo files) will result in three (3) minor penalty points.


  • Cheating - CS:GO

    If a Player that is actively participating in the League receives a Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) or third-party game service (FACEIT, ESEA) ban, then he/she is banned from the League (according to paragraph 2.17) and his/her Team is disqualified from the current season of the League with the Player not being able to join another team for the duration of the said season.

    The same punishment is applied if it is discovered that a Player that is actively participating in the League already has a ban that would restrict him/her from playing in the League (according to paragraph 2.17).

    The use of the following programs will result in a cheat ban: Multihacks, Wallhack, Aimbot, Colored Models, No-Recoil, No-Flash, and Sound changes.

    These are only examples, other programs or methods that give unfair advantage may be considered cheats as well.


8.5. Penalties and Consequences for Being Disqualified or Leaving the League


  • Disqualification

    If a Team gets disqualified from a Season, it forfeits all prize money accumulated for the whole Season and all its Players get banned until the end of the season.


  • Leaving during a Season

    If a Team leaves the League during an ongoing Season, it forfeits all prize money accumulated for the whole Season and all its Players get banned until the end of the season.


  • Deletion of Match Results

    If a Team gets disqualified from or leaves the League, then the match that they played/were supposed to play on that week is counted as a forfeit loss.



9.1. Punctuality


Every player should be at the tournament area as stated in the tournament directions info package sent to the Teams via Discord in order to set up, prepare and solve any technical problems that might occur. 


If you notice at any point that you will be late, please inform a tournament official as soon as possible! Any delays caused by showing up late may lead to penalty points.


9.2. Equipment


During the LAN Finals, BESL Pro provides monitors and computers. Participants have to bring their own equipment (in particular: Keyboard, Mouse, Mousepad, In-Ear headphones with long enough cables, PS2->USB adapters if needed). Our machines do not support PS2-keyboards!


9.3. Configs


All players have to send in their configs until a specific deadline set by the League admins before the event. If any Player or Team doesn’t send in their configs they have to set up their config on site.


9.4. Drivers


All participants have to send in their drivers until a specific deadline set by the League admins before the event. If any Player or Team doesn’t send in their drivers they have to set up their drivers on site.


9.5. Clothing


The Players and Teams need to ensure that they are all in equal colored Team attire. Failure for a Player or a Team to bring such attire will result in penalty points. Any kind of headwear during the matches is forbidden.


9.6. Gaming Areas


If nothing else has been announced, it is forbidden to bring or eat any food in the gaming areas. Smoking is also strictly prohibited. Players are allowed to have beverages, but only in cups or bottles that have been provided or approved by BESL Pro. Usage of offensive language on stage is forbidden. Any violations can be punished with penalty points.


9.7. Administrators


The instructions of administrators should always be obeyed and followed. Failure to do so may result in penalty points being awarded.


9.8. Team coaches


The coaches of the attending Teams are only allowed on stage while the game is not live. Once the game goes live, everyone who’s not a player (except production crew and administrators) must leave the stage immediately.


9.9. Player Brief


The player brief is a document that will be sent to the participants via Discord before the Finals event. It is meant as an extension to the rulebook for a specific offline event and is equally binding.


9.10. Media Obligations


Every Team must appoint at least one (1) player that is going to take part in short pre/post match interviews on stage. The said player(-s) cannot deny these obligations and must attend.


In addition to that, the event will also have a mandatory media day (a day before the event), where participants may be photographed, filmed and interviewed by the BESL Pro crew for the event presentation purposes. These media obligations are obligatory and can not be missed. 


9.11. Stage Matches


Each participant is required to play his/her stage matches. Exceptions may only be granted if substantial evidence (e.g. a medical certificate) proving a disability to play on stage is provided.


9.12. Removable Media


It is strictly forbidden to connect or use any removable media on the tournament computers without prior examination and approval from the tournament administrators. 


9.13. Internet Access


Internet access on tournament computers is enabled for all participants.


9.14. Warm-Up Period


A warm-up period of 30 minutes is normally provided before a LIVE stage match, although this period may not be guaranteed.


9.15. Photo and Other Media Rights


By participating, all Players and other team members grant BESL Pro the right to use any photographic, audio or video material on their website or for any other promotional purpose. 


9.16. Winners Ceremony


Participants who are not part of the Grand Final are not obligated to stay in the tournament area for the winners ceremony after the Grand Final and are free to leave the event premises.

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